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The Monument Inspectorate is a specialised inspection body of the Ministry of Culture in the field of State monument care pursuant to the provisions of Section 27 of Act No. 20/1987 Coll., on State Landmark Conservation, as amended.

The main mission of the Monument Inspectorate is to perform central supervision over the observance of the aforementioned Act and the regulations issued for its implementation.

The Monument Inspectorate fulfils the following tasks, in particular:

  • overseeing the procurement of comprehensive care of cultural monuments,
  • overseeing observance of the decisions of the bodies of State monument care for the procurement of care of cultural monuments and fulfilment of the set obligations by the owners (administrators, users) of cultural monuments,
  • performing an analysis of the condition of State monument care on the basis of the findings obtained in the exercise of supervision and proposing measures for its improvement.

The Monument Inspectorate performs systematic inspections of the exercise of government in the area of monument care at the regional authorities.

The Monument Inspectorate proposes measures to the relevant bodies of State monument care for elimination of the ascertained shortcomings and oversees their fulfilment.

The central supervision by the Monument Inspectorate is concerned in particular with activities related to the protection and restoration of cultural heritage.

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